josh tavenor
4 min readDec 9, 2021


Fearlessness Of The Youth

Will social media kill our historical reputation as a curious creature? I remember putting on headphones from a walk-man, (a tool used by ancient cavemen used to listen to music from a plastic case with a spool of tape containing music) and driving my mountain bike down the side of a busy road blaring Pantera’s, “Far Beyond Driven” knowing I could get hit by a drunk driver, peddling so fast I cleared a mile every minute, thinking I could do this professionally and burning the needed energy every rowdy boy has which now day’s is replaced by a tiny square screen filled with rumours of danger and hate speech, never knowing how it feels to fly or feel passionate about something rather than fear of the future. Why don’t we stop thinking about the future before it passes you all by until you are an old senior wishing you would have tried more way’s to spend your time instead of drugs, stolen phones and fear speech? I played my share of Ghost Recon and internet usage but I see a world my son is told is so full of danger look at what it has replaced. I actually wish my son was caught smoking weed behind the local arcade but now he’s trying to get an education online because the world is telling us our children can’t fight this bug off naturally like I did growing up in school mixing my germs with 500 other kids germs getting sent home sick only to build an immunity to the many germs and bacteria you came in contact with from 500 other students. And yes, this is not a virus, it’s a bacteria and I don’t see the end of the world from a bacteria I used bacillus, really hot saunas and vitamin C and E to get rid of. Unless someones been working on germ warfare and developed a bacteria that can’t be killed or sterilised, people will die but not even close to the amount that cigarettes kill daily. I’d rather live like a lion than die like a dog. Socialise in 3D not 2D on some small screen where you don’t get to live a life where you know someones favourite perfume to wear or how the rock concert was this weekend without shooting tiny microscopic genetically unsafe vaccines into your body just to go to school. These are not proven and the crisis hasn’t reached that point. Think of your kids. They’re living in a world where they’re not sure what to be afraid of. They’re under pressure to know what’s rumoured as the truth when every intelligent person knows lies are sometimes mixed with the truth as a weapon to cause an effect. They’re either online finding out what’s dangerous or pigging out on food without burning it’s energetic side effects. Testosterone needs to be managed by routine exercise and a good diet and these paramount behaviours are evaporating causing early anxiety and depression. Mental health issues are 57% higher than they were when I was growing up and I have over 30 dead friends and I’m 47. My grandchildren are doomed at this rate. It’s a miracle I had the resources and brains to raise my child away from drug affected schools and become family orientated instead of having socially orientated way’s to get “Likes” online. I did liberate his usage of video games at a young age but with a healthy amount of time outside. I’m 47 so I still remember having to go home when the street lights turned on and raising the phone cord over my mothers head when talking to my friends. Back then the word “OUTSIDE” was the call you heard your mother yell and you were outside until the streetlights were on. These behaviours are extinct and resilience is dead. Now instead of one bully growing up they’re online every day dealing with cyber bullying which is something they’re really emotional about. Can you imagine your child committing suicide because of popularity from a computer simulation? The image they have online to them is just as important as it is if it were real life. If they don’t get “Likes” they feel rejection like a baby away from it’s mother for too long. This calls for advanced educational courses called Society, Challenge and Change because that’s the war we’re up against next and the only weapon we as parents have is solitude and managing the environment we expose our children to. Not everyone can be an expert so we must start teaching that asking for help is not weakness, but the steps to intelligent thinking. K.E.Y. Knowledge Empowers You so, say “I never lose…I either win or I learn” and this frame of reference should be applied to everything.



josh tavenor

I'm a 46 year old man on disability from a car accident and like to write but have no formal training other than my English classes from High School.